Vocabulary Exercise – English Skill Building – 158

Vocabulary Exercise

English Skill Building – 158

Read the BBC article whose link is given below


Make sentences with the following words appearing therein

Beef as noun, Beef up as phrasal verb, Scale up as phrasal verb, Scale down as phrasal verb, Scale as noun, Precedent, Precedence, Unprecedented, Unilateral, Encounter as noun, Encounter as verb, Encroach as verb, Encroachment as noun, De facto, Escalate, Skirmish as noun, Skirmish as verb, Brawl as noun, Brawl as verb, Flare as noun, Flare as verb, Flare-up as noun, Disengage, Counter as noun, Counter as verb, Counter as adjective, Uproar, Thrash as verb, Indifferent.

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