Grammar — Use of ‘somdewhat’ and ‘rather’ in sentences

Use of ‘somewhat’ in sentences. Example 1…   Sasmita had gone to her friend’s birthday party wearing a traditional Sambalpuri saree whereas all others came wearing western clothes. Sasmita felt somewhat awkward as others stared at her often. Example 2 .. The temperature at Rench today … Read more

Chief Seattle’s Speech

ICSE English Literature … Chief Seattle’s Speech Background .. The Americans that inhabit the United States of America today were not there before the early eighteenth century, nor was there a single unified country like the United States we see today. After the intrepid Spaniard … Read more

The Tree by Philip Larkin

The Tree by Phillip Larkin The trees are coming into leaf Like something almost being said; The recent buds relax and spread, Their greenness is a kind of grief. Meaning … It is spring time. New tender leaves appear on the branches as the tree … Read more

In the Bazaars of Hyderabad by Sarojini Naidu — Explanation

In the Bazaars of Hyderabad   Introduction…. Born with Bengali roots to an intellectually-gifted parents, Sarojini Naidu had the opportunity to receive good education both in India and in England. She made the best of her extraordinary talent and privileged upbringing to do things that … Read more