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Ashif Kumar Bag

Invitatiom To English – 1
(Prose and Poetry)
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha
Bhubaneswar +2 Examination

Contents (Poetry) – Daffodils
– William Wordsworth
All Q&A

Priya puri

Pls provide all the literary devices used in class 11 &12 poetry (CBSE) ENG CORE with explanation


State Board Odisha
Approaches to English Book 2
One Act Play
1) Mother’s Day
2) The Unexpected


Gifts by Ralph Waldo Emerson แปล
“Gifts of one who loved me,
It was high time they came;
When he ceased to love me,
Time they stopped for shame.” มีความหมาย


How does one determine if a follower is trustworthy

Soumodeep Chakraborty

Precise writing
Men are not made in the same mould, like a lot to bricks. It would have ill-suited
the wants of the world if it had been so. Consequently, even in the same country, men
differ in disposition, and inclination and manners, and opinion, more probably than they
do in face or form. And between the people of different countries the contract is even
more striking. We have then, also, different sentiments, different sympathies, different
hopes, different ways altogether. It will always be so. So long as there are different
minds, there will be different views on all matters that admit of opinion. So long as there
are different degrees or latitude and longitude, as well as differing circumstances there
will be different interests different attachment and different habits. It behoves us,
therefore, to cultivate a generous spirit of forbearance towards those, of whatever race,
who may think differently and act differently, from ourselves. Even though we may be
convinced that they are wrong, if we know them to be sincere, we should still bear with
them and give them credit for their sincerity.
This is the virtue of toleration or bearing with others when we may differ from
them, or may not like their ways. Toleration should be shown in all differences of opinion
on even the highest matters of life and death; and there it is of more value than anywhere
else. When we cannot agree with one about a point of science, or philosophy, or faith, we
can at least agree to differ from hi, and there is an end. We must always remember that
we are all likely to make mistakes and possess weaknesses, and that we ourselves need
the same forbearance and sympathy. We are, besides, all of the same human brotherhood,
and should, ?like brothers, agree?.

Md Shadaan

Sir can u plz provide me best answer for isc on Prospero ‘s character


Is it possible to get an English Language Practice Sheet that covers all the topics for ISC Boards and a few samples for Proposal writing in the ISC Format?

Anoop Lopez

Charles lamb’s “essays of elia”


Sir, Have you posted anything about report writing, if have , pls share the link.
Thank you


Sir have you posted anything about the poem Crossing the Bar isc class 12 if so can you please share the link

Sudhruti Dash

Can you please post the questions & answer of The nightingale and the rose of Chse Bureau textbook Odisha


Can you plz send the explanation of


What symbolic meaning do you think is being conveyed through the bicycle by Dash Benhur ? This a long question

Last edited 2 years ago by Sangita
Archana Malik

Plz help me


Please upload solutions of the way to Equal Distribution by Mk Gandhi , it’s urgent


Please upload the solutions of the way to Equal Distribution by Mk Gandhi


Please don’t say sorry Sir .
You actually helped me a lot .
I can’t thank you enough ??
Also , please take care of yourself and get well soon!!
Yes definitely I’ll do that .
Sorry for troubling you again and again I was just so panic for my examination and fortunately it went really well , a million thanks to you !


Can you please provide the solutions of ‘ A call to Youth’ by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , I’m affixing the questions sheet below.


Thank you so much sir!!
Your way of writing and vocabulary knowledge is astounding!!


These are the remaining questions from ‘A call to Youth’


Sir I urgently need the solutions of A call to Youth’by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan


Yes yes sure Sir..??


Sir please post rest of the questions of A call to Youth’


Alright Sir ?


Thank you so much sir ?????


Good afternoon Sir , have you posted the solutions of ‘An Educated Person ‘ by H. Nicholson?


Sir actually I’m a first year biotechnology honours student , having english as my AECC (MIL) subject, we have a particular book for English -‘The widening Arc’ , in which particular chapters are given along with questions, but I am not able to find the answers anywhere nor there is any particular book and when I asked my teacher regarding this she told to find answers in google therefore I’m always requesting you for the answers and you have consistently provided me . There are many chapters which are left behind but my english exam is on sept 6 , so I’m requesting you to write urgently although it’s not possible for you to give all the answers… I’m affixing the chapters below please have a look sir and kindly reply me which chapters you can provide me within august last .


These are the rest of chapters Sir


Get well soon Sir , ??
Yes sir you just write as per your convenience and take care of your health ?
Whatever you have posted me till today I’ll be forever grateful ???


* posted as per my request till today


Got it Sir
Thanks a ton ???


Yes sir checked already.
Thank you ??


Sir I’m sending the text and questions in this site’s email

Satyam Pattanaik

Invitation to english-4 answer key
Of council of higher secondary education. Odisha

Last edited 2 years ago by Satyam Pattanaik

Please the post questions and answers of the way to equal distribution

Biswanath Panda

I am happy over your initiative.

It’s a better platform.
I would like to obtain a few essays for Civil Service Examination.

Kunal singh

On superstition by A.G Gardiner

Samuel Nanda

Narate his childhood experiences?

Kamalakanta Meher

Please give the summary and question answer of “THE RAINBOW BIRD”

Rajen ho

Think it out


What is the new English phrases that was consoled by Oxford University?


Okay sir
Thanks for the response


Modern world

ginni s

summary of memories of childhood class 12 cbse


One of our most difficult problems is what we call to discipline and it is really very complex. You see, society feels that it must control or discipline the citizen, and shape his mind according to certain religious, social, monal,and exonemic petens.
Now, is discipline necessary at all? Please isten canefily Don’t immeliadly ay YES or NO. Most of us feel. especially while we are young. tia he show be no discipline. that we should be allowed to do whatever we like and we think that is freedom. But merely to say that we should be free and so on has very litle meaning without understanding the whole problem of discipline.
The keen athlete is disciplining himself the whole time. isn*the? His joy in playing games and the very necessity to keep fit make him go to bed early. refian from smoking, eat the right food, and generally obseve tie milts of sod kett, is discipline and punctuality are not an imposition Que a nAtteR Oncone OF ls enjoyment of athletics. (171 words)

ginni s

on the face of it explanation class 12


I find your summaries and analytics very useful so I wanted to request a detailed analysis on one of the essays of Joseph Addison ‘meditations in Westminster Abbey ‘
Thank you

ginni s

journey to the end of earth explaination and summary


The overall explanation and those small details in between, all of that helped me much into making notes and doing my own analysis of the poem. Thank you for your efforts into framing the material, I just request you to please do the essay, ‘Of Unity in Religion’ also, would be much helpful! Really appreciate the efforts.

Ashirbad panda

childhood question answer please +2 1st year science


The events in “The Story of an Hour” happen quickly, and the author herself does not mince words in relaying them. Yet it seems like life can change drastically, and a person can change dramatically, in under an hour Discuss it.

Banty Biswal

Invitation to English -2
Childhood all questions and answers pls

Dibyajyoti puhan

Pls provide the question and answer of ch :-

  1. memories of crossgates school.
  2. make me a child again,just for tonight.
  3. confessions of misspent youth.
  4. A time to think.



The call for youth by S Radhakrishnan
Question and Answer solution please

Shrabani Swain

A call to youth by sarvepalli Radhakrishnan question and answers.BA alternative English

Saswati Mahapatra

Please upload questions and answers of A Call To Youth

Saswati Mahapatra

The Way to Equal Distribution questions and answers upload please

Soumya Ranjan Bindhani

Sir please provide the all Q&A of these chapters of AECC-2 Alternative English
“A call to youth”;
“The way to equal distribution”;
and “Water – the elixir of life”




Uneasy Homecoming by Will F. Jenkins
AECC- 2 English

Rohit kandulna

Give your number you can jain their

Barsha Rout

Alternative English chse 2nd year,
The watchman by R. K. Narayan question answers. Kindly do upload or if uploaded do inform me cause am not getting it.

Nibedita sahoo

I need the answers of chapter “THE WATCHMAN” of book Approaches To English book-2 plz provide it

Last edited 1 year ago by Nibedita sahoo
Rahat khanam

Invitation to English 3
Interpreting graphs,charts,tables and diagrams
All activities

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