Joun the follwing sets of sentences to form a single sentence. ….
1. The teacher taught the physics formula. The student was inattentive. He could understand nothing.
Answer .. The student, being inattentive, understood nogthing of the physics formula taught by the teacher.
For his inattentiveness, the physics formul taught by the teacher could not be understood by the student.
The teacher taught the physics formula, but the student couldn’t understand it due to his inttentiveness.
2. Cows and bullocks become redundant on becoming old. Farmers in UP abandon their cattle. Keeping a cow at home is expensive.
Answers … As keeping a cow is expensive, farmer in UP abandon their bullocks and cows when they become old.
UP farmers abandon their old cows and bullocks as keeping a redundant cow at home is expensive.
Old cows and bullocks are abandoned by UP farmers who find it expensive to keep a redundant cow at home.
3. My friend sent me a gift. I didn’t open it for a full week. I had previously been berated by her. I was very upset.
Answers … I was very upset with my friend as she had berated me previiously and that made me not open her gift for a week.
I delayed opening my friend’s gift for a week as she had berated me previously leaving me very upset.
Ans. My friend sent me a gift but I didn’t open it for a full week because I had previously been berated and upset her.
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