English practice for Civil Service examinations – 1

Learn the use of the following words:

Avert, Imperil, Restive, Grieve, Intelligence, Sow, Riot, Asylum, Indigenous, Deluge, Vent, Fallout, Exasperated, Parley, Mollify.

Fill in the blanks by choosing the right word/ words:

1. After the computer network in the bank collapsed due to unknown reasons, all transactions in the branch stalled. Customers waited for some time hoping that the breakdown would soon be over, but their hopes were dashed when the Chief Accountant announced that the repair could take up to 24 hours. This made the customers —————-. (Grieve, Restive, Riot)

2. They rushed to the Senior Manager’s chamber to —————- their anger. (Vent, Fallout, Imperil). Some of them behaved rudely with her.

3. She was —————– at such a nasty turn of events. In her 20 years of working in the bank, she had never faced such an unpleasant situation. The unexpected failures of all the computers had caught her off guard. (Exasperated, Unsavoury, Imperil)
4. She tried to ——————— the agitated customers by explaining that the computers were procured very recently from a reputed —————— manufacturer, and so, it was impossible to foresee such a mishap. (Mollify, Emit, Catastrophic, Indigenous, Decapitated)

5. Just when the ——————was going on, someone from among the crowd shrieked to announce that he had seen smoke emitting from a switch board. He felt he sensed some fire accident was going to happen. Suddenly, the mood changed from anger to fear. Nearly all of them scrambled outside. The lady manger called the Fire Brigade, and stood near the entrance. She wanted to ensure, bank’s assets and cash were not ———————–. (Intelligence, Parley, Sow, Imperilled,)



1. Restive

2. Vent

3. Exasperated

4. Mollify, indigenous

5. Parley, imperilled

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