English Skill Building – 73
In each of the following sentences, underline all comparison signals, and all comparative and superlative forms. If the sentence is fine, write CORRECT. If not, correct the mistake in the sentence. When the sentence is ambiguous, express each possible meaning of the sentence with a correct sentence of your own.
- Like in many states, Uttarakhand does not allow outsiders t o own property in it.
- Ashwini took four wickets in the match, as did Sami.
- Going trekking is a favorite pastime for me, like for you.
- The rate of closing down of MSMEs in the aftermath of the lockdown period, is at least 40% more than that of the SSI units.
- Young recruits in the army learn to behave as full-fledged soldiers do.
- A passenger bus can not run as fast as a passnger car does.
- A falcon can not swoop down on a chicken on the ground as fast as a vulture.
- A tiger’s ability to pounce on a prey is as strong as a lion.
- In contrast with the MIG-21, who largely failed to intercept the enemy aircrafts, the work done by the Mirrage-200 was considered far more convincing.
- The bride looked far more beautiful in her bridal costumes than when she appeared in her normal saree.
- Vinee is far more interested in computer games than his cousin Arya.
- Although the towers appear similar, the one on the right is the tallest, standing 5 feet taller than the eastern tower.
- Ashok is the best employee of our company, because he works harder and more creatively than anyone else in the company.
- Like in many states, Uttarakhand does not allow outsiders to own property in it. Correct (Remember, Uttarakhand does not allow outsiders to buy land in it freely.)
- Ashwini took four wickets in the match, as did Sami. Correct
- Going trekking is a favorite pastime for me, like for you. Wrong
Right answer ..Going trekking is a favorite pastime for me, as for you.
- The rate of closing down of MSMEs in the aftermath of the lockdown period, is at least 40% more than that of the SSI units. Correct
- Young recruits in the army learn to behave as full-fledged soldiers do. Correct
- A passenger bus can not run as fast as a passenger car does. Correct
Also possible .. A passenger bus can not run as fast as a passenger car.
- A falcon can not swoop down on a chicken on the ground as fast as a vulture. Correct
- A tiger’s ability to pounce on a prey is as strong as a lion. Wrong
Right answer .. A tiger’s ability to pounce on a prey is as strong as a lion’s. (or, as strong as that of a lion.)
- In contrast with the MIG-21, who largely failed to intercept the enemy aircrafts, the work done by the Mirrage-2000 was considered far more convincing. Wrong
Right answer …. In contrast with the MIG-21 that largely failed to intercept the enemy aircrafts, the work done by the Mirrage-2000 was considered far more convincing.
- The bride looked far more beautiful in her bridal costumes than when she appeared in her normal saree. Correct
- Vineet is far more interested in computer games than his cousin Arya. Correct
- Although the towers appear similar, the one on the right is the tallest, standing 5 feet taller than the eastern tower. Wrong
Right answer ..Although the towers appear similar, the one on the right is the taller, standing 5 feet higher than the one on the east.
- Ashok is the best employee of our company, because he works harder and more creatively than anyone else in the company. Correct