English Skill Building – 54
Welcome to the fourth Exercise in our GMAT Error Correction Exercise Series. If you haven’t practiced the third one yet, click here to do so now!
Correct the following sentences..
- People that are well-informed know that Darjeeling is an Indian region whose most famous export is the tea that bears its name.
- The courtiers who the emperor likes most are those who flatter him best.
- People, who speak rudely with the waitresses, show little concern towards the sensibilities of other customers.
- Of all the cyclones in Odisha’s history, the cyclone that nearly flattened the Kujang region in 1999, is perhaps the most famous.
- The busiest waterway on earth is the Bosphorus canal that separates Asia from Europe.
- Based on the depressing economic data released by the RBI, the government decided to cut major plan expenditures.
- Unfamiliar with the harshness of army’s training, the moral of the recruits dropped.
- She returned the new mobile phone to the dealer, which took ages to recharge.
- During the Covid pandemic, all hospitals were swamped by patients, which caused general anic.
- The cancer patients rare symptoms were treated using novel techniques developed at the Tata Cancer Institute.
1. Well-informed know that Darjeeling is an Indian region whose most famous export is the tea that bears its name.
2. The courtiers whom the emperor likes most are those who flatter him best.
3. People who speak rudely with the waitresses show little concern towards the sensibilities of other customers.
4. Of all the cyclones in Odisha’s history, the cyclone that nearly flattened the Kujang region in 1999 is perhaps the most famous.
5. The busiest waterway on earth is the Bosphorus, which separates Asia from Europe.
6. Because of the depressing economic data released by the RBI, the government decided to cut major plan expenditures.
7. Unfamiliar with the harshness of army’s training, the recruits suffered a drop in their morale.
8. She returned the new mobile phone, which took ages to recharge, to the dealer.
9. During the Covid pandemic, all hospitals were swamped by patients causing general panic.
10. The cancer patient’s rare symptoms were treated through the use of novel techniques developed at the Tata Cancer Institute.
Note .. Those who want to understand the logic behind the very small changes made in the ‘corrected’ version of the sentences will need to write to us separately.
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