This is the second part of our brand new Vocabulary Exercise Series meant for Civil Service Aspirants. If you haven’t practiced the first one yet, click here to do so now.
The following is a part of a news analysis that appeared in the Washington Post. Fill up the gaps with the suggested words given at the bottom.
For much of President Trump’s time in power, observers and journalists have ————- with how to characterize his lying. It’s sometimes hard to tell whether when spouting—————, he knowingly mauled the truth. News organizations fact-checked Trump, called out his misleading claims and exaggerations, and catalogued the many thousands of falsehoods he propagated while holding the highest office in the land. But Trump carried on, ———— by a right-wing echo chamber and —————– to criticism.
(Words to be fitted in … Impervious, Insulated, Struggled, Falsehoods)
Lies — a —————– both calculated and weaponized — were always at the heart of the Trump presidency. His political career was launched with a lie about the place of former president Barack Obama’s birth, intended to ————————- the country’s first Black president. And it may now be drawing to an end with an evidently dangerous set of lies about the election he lost and the capacity of his hardcore supporters to ——————the result.
(Overturn, Mendacity, Delegitimize)
Washington is still —————in the aftermath of the failed but deadly attack Wednesday that saw a mob of Trump supporters attempt to storm the Capitol and stop lawmakers from certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. It’s obvious that Trump played a role in ————–up the acts of —————-, arguably along with a —————of prominent Republican officials who ——————-to the mob’s —————————rage.
(Coteries, Stirring, Floundering, Misguided, Insurrection, Pandered)
Answers to the above..
For much of President Trump’s time in power, observers and journalists have struggled with how to characterize his lying. It’s sometimes hard to tell whether when spouting falsehoods, he knowingly mauled the truth. News organizations fact-checked Trump, called out his misleading claims and exaggerations, and catalogued the many thousands of falsehoods he propagated while holding the highest office in the land. But Trump carried on, insulated by a right-wing echo chamber and impervious to criticism.
Lies — a mendacity both calculated and weaponized — were always at the heart of the Trump presidency. His political career was launched with a lie about the place of former president Barack Obama’s birth, intended to delegitimize the country’s first Black president. And it may now be drawing to an end with an evidently dangerous set of lies about the election he lost and the capacity of his hardcore supporters to overturn the result.
Washington is still floundering in the aftermath of the failed but deadly attack Wednesday that saw a mob of Trump supporters attempt to storm the Capitol and stop lawmakers from certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. It’s obvious that Trump played a role in stirring up the acts of insurrection, arguably along with a coterie of prominent Republican officials who pandered to the mob’s misguided rage.
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