Today’s Current Affairs Jnuary 5

January 5, 2019

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Strong winds whip up Australia bush fires

It seems Australia’s fire woes will get worse in coming days as strong winds heighten the ferocity of the blaze. As death toll mounts, so does the people’s anger against their prime minister, Scott Morrison. While visiting the fire sites, Morrison was severely castigated for the way his government has conducted the relief operations.

Good words used .. Woe, Castigate

Plain bluster, poor statecraft – Democrat presidential candidates tear Trump’s Iran strategy

Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and Berne Sanders were unequivocal in their condemnation of President Trump’s thinly veiled attempt to derive electoral gains from the Iran drone strike. They all said, President Trump has taken the U.S. closer to a war with Iran by his foolhardy decision to take down the Iranian general.

Good words used .. Unequivocal. Foolhardy

Nankana Sahib Gurudwara attack – BJP uses it to bolster its CAA stand

The incident involved the alleged forcible abduction of a Sikh girl by  Muslim man for making her his daughter-in-law. Later, the girl was made to convert to Islam. When the keepers of the Nankana Sahib Gurudwara complained to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, the abductor’s family raised a ruckus in front of the shrine to intimidate the complainants. Later, they pelted stones at the complex. The police arrived in the place to control the situation.

The BJP has cited this incident as continuing persecution of Sikhs in Pakistan, and have tried to justify the CAA. However, imputing an incident of this nature to persecution of Sikhs in Pakistan doesn’t stand reason.

On Iran-U.S. stand-off, India must tread cautiously

The flare-up of tensions in Iran after the U.S. strike poses diplomatic challenges for India, especially because Trump has stated that the deceased general’s terror network stretched right up to Delhi. Supporting the U.S. on the issue will hurt Iran’s feelings immensely. In the same vein, siding with Iran will infuriate Trump on end. So, India has to walk a  tightrope in the diplomatic front.

Good words and phrase used .. Flare-up, Infuriate. Deceased, On end, Walk a tightrope


Discontent simmers in Maharashtra coalition after mistrial berths allocation

Those who were left out, or not given the desired portfolio gave given vent to their frustration publicly exposing chinks in the armor of the coalition.

Appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries void

The Karnataka High Court has struck down the powers enjoyed by the government to appoint parliamentary secretaries. The Court has said, State Legislature lacks legislative competence to do such appointments.

Prof. C. N. R. Rao laments poor quality and quantity of research work done in India.

Prof. Rao was speaking in the Children’s Science Congress organized under the banner of the Indian National Science Congress in Bengaluru. He said, Indian research papers are not cited by other researchers in other countries as often as desired.

Nobel Laureate, Ada E. Yonath calls for developing Pathogen-specific drugs

She won the Chemistry Nobel Prize in 2009. Expressing the widespread use of antibiotics that has led to multiple complications such resistance to drugs, mutation to unknown forms of bacteria, she said it would be advisable to develop pathogen-specific antibiotic drugs that can eliminate the collateral damage done by broad-spectrum antibiotics in use today.

171 hospitals are de-listed from PM’s health scheme

The de-listed hospitals had engaged in frauds of different types starting from issuing fake bills for treatment, performing procedures exclusive for government hospitals etc.

Portions of Bardhaman railway station collapses

Luckily, no fatalities were reported. Only two people sustained injuries.

Vrishabhavati river, once the pride of Bengaluru for its pristine beauty, now languishes

Vrishabhavati river is a minor river running through the south of Bengaluru. In recent years, it has come under increasing population pressure. Un-bridled burning of plastic goes on in the river bed spreading toxic fumes all around the area. Builders have also started encroaching in to its banks.

Massive anti-CAA rally in Hyderabad

Nearly 10 lakh people descended on the streets of Hyderabad holding the tricolor and shouting slogans against the CAA. The rally was marhedly peaceful with no untoward incident reported from the protest sites.

Miyawaki makes a huge mark in Kerala

In the Miyawaki system small patches of vacant lands in backyards of homes, office premises, temple complexes are planted with saplings that eventually become a mini-forests. Such land use increases green cover besides adding to the aesthetics of the compounds.


Moving farewell to Soleimani

Tens of thousands of Iraqis joined the mourning ceremony for their departed hero, Gen. Soleimani who was felled by a drone attack. Clerics, intellectuals, artists, students and commoners joined the ceremony to record their anguish at the loss of their slain leader.

Fear grips the world as Iran vows to inflict an very painful counter-attack on the U.S. On the other hand, America has hinted that it has listed some 52 Iranian sites that will be targeted by U.S forces, if Iran retaliates.

Run on Lebanese banks leaves the depositors in panic

Bank customers in branches located in the north of the country had to wait for hours to withdraw their deposits. The bank management struggled to meet the demands of the customers and had to down their shutters, albeit, for a few days.

Indian origin M.P, Ms. Lisa Nandy is tipped to be the British Labour party’s chief

 After the exit of Mr. Corbyn, Ms. Nandy is likely to take over the charge. She is clear in her vision that Ldabour has to reinvent itself in order to remain relevant to its voter base.

Satire on Saudi Royals enthralls viewers in Youtube

The satirist, Ghalem al-Msarir, has become a hit with his satire. His videos have been viewed more than 300 million times. The Saudi Royals have taken umbrage at the satire and tried to muzzle Ghalem through intimidation by police.


Smartphones might be obsolete

China’s tech company Baidu’s founder Mr. Li has said that smartphones are on their way out. He has prophesized that AI-enabled intelligent solutions will come in and throw Smartphones out.

Credit Sussie and Nippon MF are likely to approach SAT For their grievance against Irdai

The dispute started over the pledging of Reliance General Insurance shares.

SBI wants its borrowers to borrow more

SBI urges its borrowers to use their working capital limits more proactively, so that economic activity gets the much-needed boost, and the bank gets additional revenue.



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