Today’s Current Affairs January 6

January 6, 2020

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Iraqi Parliament wants U.S. forces to leave the country

In an unexpected backlash to the assassination of Gen. Soleimani, the Iraqi parliament has asked all foreign forces in the country to leave. The resolution, however, is not binding on the government as the prime minister, now in charge, is continuing in ad hoc basis awaiting the appointment of a full time incumbent. U.S. and British forces were stationed in the country to fight the remaining IS elements. After the country was gripped with rage and indignation in the wake of the drone attack, the western forces had abandoned their anti-IS campaign to ensuring their safety against militia attacks by pro-Iranian groups. Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State, played down the resolution’s impact saying that the Iraqi people wanted the forces to stay as a bulwark against the IS.

Iran decides to breach the terms of the Nuclear deal

As a sign of defiance, the Iranian government said they are no more under obligation to adhere to the enrichment restrictions stipulated in the Nuclear deal, and would act in the matter in their nation’s interest. However, they said that they will allow access to the UN inspectors to the nuclear sites.

Iran vows deadly revenge: Says it will hit military targets only

As anger swept through Iran during the final funeral procession of the slain General, thousands of Iraqis clamored for punitive reprisal against the Americans. In the midst of such anger, Arab capitals braced for possible strikes by Iran against their oil, military and civilian installations.

Masked men wreak havoc in JNU campus leaving many injured

In a bizarre incident masked men sneaked into the JNU campus brandishing sticks, rods etc. and went on a rampage inside hostels including a girl’s hostel. Panicked students screamed and ran for cove, but not all could hide. The hooligans attacked teachers and students alike. In the melee, the President of the students union, Aishe Ghosh was her in her head. A faculty member, along with 40 others, was injured. The incident triggered mid-night student protests in Mumbai, Kolkata, Aligarh etc.

Infant deaths aplenty in Gujarat hospitals

In two government hospitals, one in Rajkot, and the other in Ahmedabad, death toll of infants has touched 219. It has fueled public anger against government apathy about the poor state of the hospitals.

Challakere to be astronaut training hub

ISRO’s Human Space Fight Center (HSFC) will come u in three years time in Challakere. It will be a world-class astronaut training center, costing Rs.2700 crores.

Sikh youth killed in Peshawar, Pakistan

India has lodged a strong protest with the Pakistan government over the matter.


NAL wants government for order of 50 to 60 aircrafts for the SARAS production program

SARAS is an indigenously developed 19-seater aircraft that could cost Rs.50 crores a piece. This about 25% less than equivalent imported plane. However, National Aeronautics Laboratory (NAL) wants a starting order booking of 50 to 60 aircrafts. NAL has asked the government for the same.

Karnataka to follow Narmada Dam model for saving the KRS

Chief Minister Yediurappa has ordered a total stop to quarrying activities in the vicinity of the KRS dam to save it from shocks caused by use of explosives.

Cyrus Mistry says he is not interested in Executive Chairman job in the Tata group

Belying all speculations, Cyrus Mistry who won the NCALT appeal against his ouster from the Chairman’s post, clarified that he is not keen to return to the post.

UPSC to conduct special examinations for the Railways

Examination pattern will be modified suitably for recruitment to the newly-created IRMS cader.

Assault rifles to be produced in India with Russian collaboration

The Army will procure 7.5 lakh rifles. One and half lakh of these rifles of Russian origin will be directly imported from Russia. The rest will be made in India in a factory coming up in UP. It will be a joint venture project with Russia and will bear the name. Indo-Russian Rifles Pvt. Ltd.

Women scientists want safer workplaces and childcare facilities

Speaking about their concerns in the Women’s Science Congress during the Indian Science Congress session in Bengaluru, women scientists demanded more work place safety, and supportive environment.

Stone pelting incidents in Kashmir highest in 2019

The incidents peaked as public anger boiled over to the streets after the Abrogation of Article 370 in August, 2019.


Minister of External Affairs, Jayshankar held parleys with his counterparts in the U.S., Iran. And Oman pleading for restraint.

President Trump threatens to hit Iran harder if it strikes American interests

Responding to growing threats of Iranian revenge strikes after the drone attack, President Trump has indicated his resolve to hit Iran very hard to punish it for any misadventure against the U.S. He further stated that the U.S. has drawn up a list of 52 such targets.

Bangladesh orders arrest of its former Chief Justice

Bangladesh government has ordered the arrest of Surendra Kumar Sinha, the former Chief Justice of the country, who remains a fugitive from law.

U.S military base in Kenya attacked by terror groups

Jihadists from Somalia’s infamous Al Shabaab group mounted an attack on U.S. military bases in Kenya destroying helicopters, trucks, and other military hardware.

Cambodia building collapse kills 35 and injures 40

A seven-storey under-construction building collapsed. Workers buried under its debris either perished, or severely injured.


Sitaraman to start pre-budget discussions

Finance Minister, Sitaraman will hold talks with various interest groups to get inputs for the forthcoming budget.

India trade talks face head winds in 2020

Piyush Goel, Commerce Minister, has said that India has to negotiate its ways through tough trade negotiations in the coming months as its trade partners have become increasingly uncompromising.

Black money probe: Tax haven trusts come under for Swiss bank accounts

Trusts in far-away places like the Cayman Islands, Panama and British Virgin Islands are in-famous for harboring tax evaders and black money owners. The government is going to go after such trusts to unearth funds of dubious nature parked there.




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