Today’s Current Affairs December 8

December 8, 2019

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Sweeping nation-wide rage as Unnao rape victim’s body arrives home

The anger and the grief was palpable in the faces of millions who watched the victim’s body arriving for burial first-hand, and over television. People asked how long would they see such brutal rape and murder of women – our sisters, mothers, daughters and wives. Everyone was unanimous –the criminal justice system has collapsed, and the police have become abettors of crimes. However, the moot question is why do we elect rape-accused people as our representatives? Why we don’t take the politicians to task? They pay lip service to our clamor for justice, and go back to their old ways. 

Good words and phrases used .. Palpable, Moot, Pay lip service to, Abettor,

Onion crisis has its roots in climate change

A study by the Bengaluru-based Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISCE) has concluded that the cyclic spike and shortfall in onion harvest is due to effects of climate change. Untimely rain led to extensive crop losses resulting in the present shortage. Pakistan, from where India imports onion in times of need, has witness a sharp fall in Onion harvest due to a rise of temperature in Northern areas which produce the bulk of the onion. Prices in Pakistan have skyrocketed too. Even Bangladesh is experiencing acute onion shortages. ISEC researchers say the situation will ease by March when fresh harvests begin to reach the mandis.

Good words used .. Spike, Skyrocket


NHRC team reach Chattanpalli site

The seven-member fact-finding NHRC team has reached the site. They will quiz the two police men who were purportedly injured in the encounter, and are undergoing treatment in a private hospital. As of now, the incident remains shrouded in mystery.

Good words used .. Purportedly, Shrouded

India and U.S. to conclude trade talks soon

Mahesh Aghi, President of the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum(USISPF) has expressed optimism that the dispute over the extension of Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) to Indian exports to the U.S. will be resolved soon. India is now more willing than before to accept the Trade Margin Rationalization (TMR) formula for determining the price of Indian pharmaceutical products to America.

Supreme Court to take up Hyderabad encounter case

A PIL filed in the Apex Court might be listed for hearing this week. The petitioner has made Cyberabad Police Chief Sajjanar, Rajya Sabha M.P Jaya Bachha, and Delhi Women Commission Chief Malliwal parties to the plea.

Fear of eviction looms large over M.P tribals

The conflict between the forest dwellers and the forest department of the M.P government has been simmering for years. The Forest department regards the tribals as trespassers, not bona fide occupants of the land. The tribals are up in arms against such a move, and is determined to fight eviction tooth and nail.

Good words and phrases used .. Loom large, Tooth ad Nail, Simmer, Trespasser, Up in arms


Iran & the U.S. in prisoner swap

Amid escalating tensions, the two countries have exchanged prisoners ending the ordeal of the two persons. One American of Chinese origin, and an Iranian had been languishing in jails in their host countries. After an agreement between the U.S. and Iran, the two prisoners have been freed and allowed to return home.

Good words used .. Swap, Languish, Ordeal

India hires lobbying firm Cornerstone to mollify the Democrats

Over the Kashmir issue, India has attracted a lot of hostile attention from the Democrats who have demanded that India take urgent steps to free political detainees, and restore internet services. The Democrats are obviously peeved at the way India has abrogated Article 370, and unleashed its armed might to stifle dissent in the valley.

Good words used .. Peeved, Stifle, Unleash, Abrogate, Mollify

North Korea rubbishes suggestions idea to abandon its nuclear arsenal

Belying all hopes of a softening of North Korea’s stand on Nuclear weapons, its supreme leader Kim has asserted that he will never relinquish his stockpile of nuclear weapons. This announcement will surely dampen President Trump’s optimism about cutting a deal with North Korea sans its nukes.

Good words used .. Rubbish as verb, Abandon, Arsenal, Dampen, Belie, Relinquish

Saudis disown any link with the lone naval base attacker

A red-faced Saudi leadership tried to mollify President Trump over the shooting incident perpetrated by one of its trainee cadets. The Crown Prince telephoned Trump to express his utter dismay over the dastardly act, and hoped that the incident will not impact Saudi-U.S. relations.

Good words used .. Disown, Red-faced, Mollify, Perpetrate, Dismay, Dastardly, Impact as verb

Corbyn –Johnson engage in fiery exchange in their pre-election debate

The two contenders for the prime ministerial post engaged in barbs, and repartees in their final round of pre-election public debate. Viewers across the world watched with great relish the back-and-forth exchanges between the two leaders.

Good words used .. Contender, Fiery, Barb, Repartee, Relish

Iraqi firebrand cleric Sadr’s home comes under drone attack

Panic and confusion spread like wildfire as the popular cleric Sadr’s home came under Drone attack. The incident fueled more tension and rumors that have swirled in Baghdad ever since large groups of irate student began their street demonstrations against the government.

Good words used .. Firebrand, Fuel as verb, Irate, Swirl,


Finance Minister might cut personal income tax

Following through her measures to inject life to India’s moribund economy, the Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitaraman, has indicated that personal income tax may be cut to encourage people to buy things that could spur industrial production.

RBI Governor expresses satisfaction over improved Government–RBI relations

In the past three to four years, the Union government seemed to be at odds with the central bank over various issues. After Raghuram Rajan’s exit, the chasm between the two came to the fore causing disquiet among the public. Urjit Pate’s departure followed by Deputy Governor, Viral Acharya’s deepened the divide. The government brought in Saktikanta Das, a retired IAS officer who appeared far more pliant to government’s views than his predecessors. The large transfer of RBI’s reserves to the central government’s coffers happened under Mr. Das’s watch and with his approval. While a certain degree of sync between the government and the RBI might be desirable, total subordination of the RBI chief to the government may prove disastrous.

Good words and phrases used .. To be at odds with, Chasm, Coffer, Pliant

L & T order position heads downwards as the economic slowdown takes its toll

Inflow of orders to the engineering and construction behemoth Larsen and Toubro has thinned in the last few months. This can be attributed to the slowing down of the economy, and the tapering off of infrastructure spending.

Good words and phrases used .. To take a toll, Behemoth, Attribute to, Taper off

Japanese Trade Minister to discuss RCEP with Piyush Goyal

India’s backtracking from the RCEP jolted the other members of the alliance. Japan still feels India can be roped in if some of its legitimate concerns are addressed. Hopeful of convincing his Indian counterpart, the Japanese Trade Minister is on a mission to Delhi. He will try to assuage India’s fears on RCEP impact, and convince Piyush Goel to retract his decision.

Good words and phrases used … Retract, Assuage, Rope in, Backtrack




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