Today’s Current Affairs December 14

December 14, 2019

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Shah calls off visit to North East amid unabated protests

Angry protests continued in various areas of North East, although Guwahati saw some relaxation of curfew. Internet services are shut, and the region simmers in anger against the CAB. Amit Shah’s visit to the troubled states has been called off.

Good words used … Simmer as verb, Unabated

Boris Johnson roars to victory leaving Corbyn’s Labor Party in disarray

Giving the Conservative Party a resounding vote of confidence, British voters have put Boris Johnson firmly in charge at 10. Downing Street. He will have the onerous responsibility of steering his country out of the EU. Corbyn with just 203 wins against 365 of his rival Tory Party had to eat humble pie as voters rejected his center-of-left, welfare state model.

Good words and phrases used … Roar as metaphor, In disarray, Onerous, Eat humble pie

SC says no minors were arrested by the armed forces

The Supreme Court dismissed a number of petitions that alleged that the armed forces had detained minors during their continuing crackdown in the state.

India-Japan meet aborted

As a fall-out of the intense public protests in the North East, the scheduled meeting between the prime ministers of Japan and India scheduled to be held in Guwahati has been cancelled

An ingenuous but wicked attempt to grow banned plants at home busted by police

Some youth in Bengaluru procured seeds to cultivate cannabis at home with a view to peddling them for windfall gains to drug addicts. The clandestine experiment was busted in right time by police, and the dug-entrepreneurs now face the wrath of the law, and possible long jail sentences.

Good words used .. Ingenuous, Wrath, Clandestine, Bust as verb, Windfall, Peddle


CAB brings cheer to Bengali-speaking refugees in Raichur camp

While many parts of India boil in rage against the CAB, for the Bengali inmates of the Raichur camp, it has brought huge relief and hope. Now they can look forward to getting the much-coveted citizenship of India. Some 5000 Hindu refugees of the total 20,000 inside the Sindhanur camp rejoiced and reveled after the passage of the CAB in the parliament. Now, they can claim to be bona fide Indian citizens.

Good words used .. Coveted, Rejoice, Revel

Kerala sees joint anti-CAB by UDF and LDF

Sinking their political differences, the workers of the two rival coalitions came down to the streets to vent their anger against the CAB. Later, the Chief Minister, Mr. Pinarayi has planned to sit in a hunger strike to show solidarity with the protesters.

Alcohol found in traces in the rape and murder victim’s viscera

Postmortem has revealed presence of traces of alcohol in the viscera of the murdered doctor, adding credence to the allegation that the four culprits poured alcohol into her mouth.

Patna witnesses angry protests over rape

A young girl studying in a city college was raped by four young men, who still remain at large. Irate young students of Patna university resorted to frenzied sloganeering and stone pelting to protest against the police who they thought were shielding the perpetrators of the crime.

Good words used .. Irate, Frenzied, Perpetrator

Tripura’s erstwhile royal has misgivings about the CAB

Mr. Berman has said that the CAB contravenes the Instrument of Accession his state signed with the government of India.

Good words used .. Misgivings, Erstwhile, Contravene


Madives in talks to re-work Chinese debt re-payment

Like many other countries of the ambitious Belt and Corridor project, Maldives is struggling to meet the repayment schedule of the massive Chinese debt incurred by it for the B&C project. So, official talks have started to stagger the repayment in a way Maldives can afford it.

French envoy desists from commenting on CAB & NRC

The French envoy has declined to comment on the two bills saying that these are the internal matters of India and his government wouldn’t comment on them.

Indian-origin candidates win handsomely in U.K elections

As many as 15 candidates including Preeti Patel, Rishi Sunak, and Alok Sharma have emerged as winners in the U.K polls pointing increasing clout of people from the subcontinent in the country’s politics.

U.S.-China hit pause in their trade dispute

The U.S. has decided not to impose further sanctions to enable both sides to reflect about their future course of action.

Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the E.U worried about Trade deal with the U.K

The President of E.U has expressed concern that not enough time is left for the conclusion of the the proposed trade deal with the U.K

Corbyn decides to step down

Corbyn, dejected after the drubbing Labor got at the hands of U.K voters has decided to hang his gloves, and let another person to lead the party for the next polls.

Good words used .. Drubbing, Hang one’s gloves, Dejected


Sitaraman says no talks yet on GST hike

The Finance Minister tried to calm nerves of the trade and industry community saying that no talks have been held so far on the GST rate hike issue.

Moody’s cuts India growth in 2019 to 5.6%

Expressing its concern over the continuing slowdown of the economy, the rating agency Moody’s has lowered its earlier growth forecast to 5.6% of GDP.

Exports contract for the fourth time in a row

India’s exports continued to shrink 0.34%. Imports shrunk much faster by 12.7% giving unmistakable indication that the economy is in serious trouble.






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