Letter Writing – 3
Creative Writing – 32
Letter to Editor about bad roads
Yogesh Singh
..cell number…
The Editor
The Hindu Express
Hyderabad August 10, 2016
Unable to live with the dismal roads in our Alipetty area in Hyderabad, I bring my community’s grievances to the attention of the Hyderabad Corporation and the general public through your esteemed daily.
Despite being the capital city of Telengana, certain parts of Hyderabad suffer appalling civic neglect. While copious rains have brought joy to Telengana’s farmers, misery has piled up for residents of Alipetty area. Potholes have sprang up in dozens in the roads of our locality. For pedestrians, motorists and two-wheeler riders, the badly-maintained roads pose great peril. Accidents happen daily injuring commuters. Women, school-going children, and even able-bodied men dread to use the roads because deep craters lie invisible under the muddy & dirty water standing on the roads. Citizens’ protests and pleas to the concerned authorities have fallen in deaf ears.
Through RTI applications, we gather that Rs.12 crores have been spent on the maintenance of just 30 kilometers of Alipetty’s roads in the last two years. Obviously, large chunks of this public money have been siphoned off by unscrupulous contractors and a few corrupt officials. Frankly, we see no end to such apathy when greed and dishonesty is so pervasive.
We hope, publication of this letter will stir the conscience of the people in authority, and urgent action will be initiated to maintain the roads.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
[Yogesh Singh]
(All names used in this letter are imaginary.)