Resume Writing – 1
Creative Writing – 4
Comprehensive manual on writing good resumes for senior and junior positions
Kinds of Resumes and how to write them
There are two broad types of resumes
a. Conventional format, also known as Tombstone type
b. Non-conventional type that are informal and a bit funny
Remember the following two things
a. The employer is primarily interested to know if you can do the job for which he wants a person. A company looking for a crane operator doesn’t care if the candidate is a diploma holder or a Plus 2 guy. A hospital looking for a cardiac surgeon will not be interested in General Physician with even 10 years experience in a famous hospital. So, highlight your skill, and bring it to the top. This approach yields better results. If you are national level athlete, you are more likely to be called for interview, even if you are not a graduate.
b. The employer (the H R Manager) has to process dozens, or, at times, even hundreds of applications. They can give just about 30 or 40 seconds to scan a resume. Within this short time, your resume will be judged whether it would go to the waste bin, or for the second round of screening.
Let’s discuss the Conventional (Tombstone) resumes
Most resumes are written in this format. The order is like this.
a. Objective .. You mention what type of job you are looking for
b. Work experience listed chronologically, with the present/ last job coming first
c. Educational qualification.. From high school onwards
d. Additional training / skill acquired
e. Awards/appreciation, if any,
f. Present emoluments, and expected salary
Such resumes work well where the employer is looking for a candidate for a very responsible position, research etc. He receives only limited number of applications, and has time in his hand to scrutinize them.
For low-skilled jobs, fresher jobs, or for positions in advertising, media, marketing, and for those needing innovation, and creativity, the non-conventional and informal resume would work better.
What you need to do before writing a resume
1. Do some research in the web to learn about the company, its activities, products etc.
2. Ascertain for what position exactly they are going to recruit new hands.
3. If it’s a job needing academic excellence, long experience, track record of handling responsibilities, the Tombstone format will work well. So, go ahead, and write it, highlighting any specific accomplishment in past jobs –like handling negotiations, motivating young entrants, teaching and guiding research etc.
4. For other jobs, eye-catchability, informality, and assertiveness are key. You need to blow your own trumpet, though it may sound a bit brazen.
5. List all the good things you have done so far, like working for a NGO, publishing something in the school magazine, taking part in drama etc. Highlight your own strengths and preferences. Restrict the resume to just one page (A4).