Correct the mistakes in the following sentences ..
- I was born in Delhi on the year 1988.
2. Later, when I grew up my mother told that it was the 3rd February of 1988.
3. Till my father was alive, I use to observe this day as my birthday. I had invited my                  schoolmates and my office colleagues to taking part in the function.
4. After my father death, our family income dropped alarmingly and I stop observing my            birthday.
5. I often read that our politicians observe their birthdays lavishly till the last year before they        died.
6. In my view, such shows of wealth and influence is unnecessariy and wasteful. The                 government should have bring in legislation to stop this practice.
7. However, such legislation is bound to fail. See how the anti-dowry laws are flouting by one          and all. Laws cannot success if the public chose not to Abide for it.
1. I was born in Delhi in the year 1988.
2. Later, when I grew up, my mother told me that it was the 3rd February of 1988.
3. Till my father was alive, I used to observe this day as my birthday. I invited my schoolmates      and my office colleagues to take part in the function.
4. After my father’s death// father died, our family income dropped alarmingly and I            stopped observing my birthday.
5. I often read that our politicians observe their birthdays lavishly till the last year before they        die // their death.
6. In my view, such show of wealth and influence is unnecessary and wasteful. The government      should bring in legislation to stop this practice.
7. However, such legislation is bound to fail. See how the anti-dowry laws are being flouted by one and all. Laws cannot succeed if the public choose not to abide by them.
Accounting book