Kabuliwallah –Class 8 -Unit 11 –from My English Folder

Kabuliwallah Unit 11



  1. A combination of sadness and satisfaction
  2. The Kabuliwallah
  3. The relationship between Mini and the Kabuliwallah



  1. Mini
  2. Rahuman
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Dry fruit selling
  5. She looking much more grown up was bedecked like a bride
  6. Large-framed, Fearsome, Alien-looking
  7. Calcutta
  8. Autumn
  9. Parbati
  10. An old photograph of the Kabuliwallah’s young daughter


Q 3. ….. but she would not be tempted …..

a. Describe the first meeting …………………….The meeting between Ramun and Mini was marked by the little girl’s curiosity, shyness, and fear. For Rahuman, the sighting of Mini was a very pleasant and evocative encounter.

b. Why do you think ………The Kabuliwallah’s large frame, and unusual attire were frightening for Mini, especially because she had never seen such a strange-looking person from close range.

c. How did Mini’s mother ……….Mini’s mother was gripped with panic to see her little daughter cozying up to a fearsome foreigner whose clan was ill-famous for kidnapping and other such crimes. Mini’s father assuaged the mother’s anxieties through some reassuring words and a little laugh.


Q 4.  We being a little new-fangled …. 

a. It means that the author and his wife were somewhat modern in their thinking about rearing girl children. They were not affected by regressive social mores prevalent during those times.

b. The author never told Mini that a time will come when she would depart to a stranger’s household, the father-in-law’s home.

c. The narrator and his wife were very affectionate towards their daughter and avoided saying anything that could hurt her sensitive mind. So, they never told her that she ultimately belonged to a different household.

Q 5. The Kabuliwallah’s intention was to utter a joke to humour Mini. This apart, the Kabuliwallah knew that the prison was another name for father-in-law’s home. At the back of his mind, the hate for a prison was very much there. On the other hand, for Mini the sudden aggressive reaction of the man was quite amusing.

Q 6. The second reference to ‘father-in-law’s house’ was soon after his arrest on an assault case. He managed to come to the author’s house and squatted on the verandah. Mini camerushing to ask him if he was going to his father-in-law’s house. Sadly, it was true as he faced a long jail term. While chatting with Mini, the Kabuliwallah referred to the policeman as his father-in-law whom he said he could have thrashed before being handcuffed.

Q 7. The author felt a little awkward to see the Kabuliwallah on a day when his house was abuzz with Mini’s marriage-related activities. He regretted to the visitor that the occasion didn’t permit him to summon Mini to the verandah. The reluctant Kabuliwallah began to leave, but made a fervent appeal to the author for a fleeting glimpse of Mini, the apple of his eyes. Noticing the emotions of the visitor, the author acceded to the request and called Mini out.

Q 8. The Kabuliwallah looke a little staggered …

a. Mini was no longer a child. She was grown up and had been bedecked with saree and ornaments to lok like a beautiful bride. The Kabuliwallah had never imagined that his dear little girl would have grown up so much to get married and head for her father-in-law’s home. The new look of Mini caught him in utter surprise.

b. Rahmun was baffled by Mini’s transformed look. It occurred to him that he had left behind a daughter at home, whose fate was unknown. He was gripped by a sense of isolation and grief thinking about his own daughter, Parbati.

c. The narrator could see through the trauma that had besieged the Kabuliwallah who yearned to return to his home and arrange for a quick marriage of his daughter. However, hewas penniless after long years in prison. The narrator, being a large-hearted father, showed empathy to the Kabuliwallah and handed him some cash to pave the way for his daughter’s marriage. For this, he had to curtail some expenses from the marriage budget. This show of compassion was unique.

Q 9.

a. In a matter-of-fact manner

b. Disappointed

c.  Voluntarily

d.  In a shy manner

e. Reduce

Q 10. 

a. Tiny and harmless

b. Free

c. Pollution

d. Disappeared from

e. Happy



1a. On the day of his arrest, the Jabukiwallah earnestly requested the narrator to allow him to see Mini for a short while. The brief meeting engulfed the Kabuliwallah in a torrent of emotions. His crest-fallen face rekindled instant empathy in the narrator’s mind. He could visualize the anguish the Kabuliwallah suffered thinking about his daughter in his remote homeland. With no hesitation, he handed over some cash to the grief-stricken Kabuliwallah to return home and have his daughter married off. This action hshows how the feeling of fatherhood brought the two men to the same boat. This appened despite the fact that the narrator and the Kabuliwallah were poles apart in their social status, and their culture. The narrator was educated, affluent, and belonged to the upper echelons of society. On the other hand, the Kabuliwallah had his roots in a distant land. He was a poor man with no education, and culturally very different from the narrator.

1b.The world is shrinking as countries interact with each other in areas of trade. Technology transfer and collective fight against climate change. In such a ‘global village, practices like racial discrimination, religion-related hatred, and ultra-nationalism are very regressive ideas. Humans should learn to live in complete harmony. We must remember the spirit of “Vasudeva Kutumbakam”.



Letter from the Kabuliwallah to his daughter …



Dear little Parbati,

I am heading home after so many years. I pine to see you and your mother. You must have grown up to look like a young maid. I don’t want to tell you why my return home has been delayed so much. The story will break your and your mother’s heart. Anyway, Allah has been very merciful to me. Because of Him, I am free and will see you both soon. I will arrange for your long-delayed marriage.  Allah arranged a meeting with a little girl and her very kind father. That day, Mini, the darling of my eye was getting married. Seeing the sad expression in my face, her father quickly realized that I was missing you very much. He wanted me to return home and be with you so that your marriage didn’t wait further. However, I was penniless then. He gave me some money to return home at the earliest. He took out some money from the marriage budget for this purpose. His generousity and empathy surprised me. He is a very educated man and enjoys a lot of respect from the society. But, he is a very kind person. He realised that I have a daughter to marry off. So, he made this sacrifice. May Allah bless him.

I will soon be with you and your mother. Pray for my safe journey home.

your affectionate dad

—————————————-To be contd———————–


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