Q1. Writing sentences differently.
Original sentence…
In the Tibet earthquake 130 people died.
This sentence can be written in different ways by using these words.
- Toll
- Perished
- Fatalities
Write your three different sentences using each of the above words.
Answer .. 1. The death toll in the Tibetan earthquake has mounted to 130.
2. As many as 130 people pershed in the Tibetan earthquake
3. The fatalities in the Tibetan earthquake has reached a figure of 130.
Q2. Fill in the gaps choosing the right word from the three choices given in the bracket.
On his way to school, Babu accidentally dropped his school bag in the deep pit by the roadside.
Babu was able to ————— his school bag from the pit with the help of two of his friends. (Lift, Retrieve, Salvage)
Answer .. Babu was able to retrieve his school bag from the pit with the help of two of his friends.
Q3. Fill in the gaps choosing the right word from the three choices given in the bracket.
In her childhood, Lisi had taken a vaccine to protect her from polio. The joint family in which she grew up had two more children of similar age. Both of them were affected by polio, but Lisi remained unaffected.
The vaccine had made her ———————– (safe, secure, immune) from polio.
Answer .. In her childhood, Lisi had taken a vaccine to protect her from polio. The joint family in which she grew up had two more children of similar age. Both of them were affected by polio, but Lisi remained unaffected.
The vaccine had made her immune from polio.
Q4. Fill in the gaps choosing the right word from the three choices given in the bracket.
Question …The wildfire that started in a forest near the city of Los Angeles in the United States has spread with frightening rage to nearby areas. As a result, the beautiful city of Los Angeles has suffered unimaginable devastation. The fire is so large and so ferocious that the full force of fire fighters are unable to control it even after putting in their best efforts.
The fire fighters fighting the ———— (Inferno, Mammoth fire, Devastating burning) in and around the forests close to Los Angeles have been ———————- (Toiling hard, Shedding tears, Draining their energy) to control the fire, but their efforts have not succeeded so far. Large parts of the beautiful Los Angeles now ——————– (Lies in ruins, Bleeding, Billowing smoke).
Answer … The wildfire that started in a forest near the city of Los Angeles in the United States has spread with frightening rage to nearby areas. As a result, the beautiful city of Los Angeles has suffered unimaginable devastation. The fire is so large and so ferocious that the full force of fire fighters are unable to control it even after putting in their best efforts.
The fire fighters fighting the inferno in and around the forests close to Los Angeles in the United States have been to control the fire, but their efforts have not succeeded so far. Large parts of the beautiful Los Angeles now lies in ruins.
Q5. Join the sentences to form a single sentence.
- A few of the trapped rat-hole miners of Assam are dead. Some have been rescued by the NDRF team.
- Now, the chief minister has tried to evade responsibility by alleging that the miners were engaged in illegal activity. He forgets that the poor miners were doing the mining to earn their living.
Answer for 1. Although the NDRF team have been able to rescue some of the trapped rat-hole miners of Assam, a few of them have died
The NDRF team has rescued some of the trapped rat-hole miners in Assam, but a few more have died.
Answer for 2. Conveniently forgetting the fact that the miners engaged in mining only to earn their living, he has tried to evade responsibility by describing the mining as as an illegal activity.
Describing the mining activity as illegal, the chief minister has evaded responsibility although he knew that the poor miners were doing it to earn their living.