Fast track English skill building exercise -7-

Vocabulary building..

Fill in the blans with the best-fitting words…


In the last seven days, I have seen two very disturbing images about human suffering that drove me to tears. Both are —————– (aerial, sky-high, tree-top) photos of scores of people in utter distress.

In the first photograph, thousands of devotees are standing still beside the Ganga. These devotees had come to take a holy dip in the Ganga from all corners of India. Sadly for them, due to poor crowd control, there was great confusion among the waiting devotees that eventually led to a —————— (raucous, stampede, violence). Dozens of the innocent pilgrims —————– (pushed hard, perished, run over) by other panicked pilgrims. Far greater numbers of the visitors were injured. As er the latest report, hundreds and thousands of the devotees are trying desperately to return home, but due to heavy rush, they can’t move an inch. They have been —————— (left behind, stranded, handicapped) on the road. The traffic ——————— (snarl, congestion, enroute) has caused them great physical and mental pain. These devotees belong to far-off states like Maharashtra, and Kerala. They carry their ————– (fell victim  a ————–or —————— (goods, belongings, essentials) in carry bags. They are making —————— (desperate,  fervent, angry) appeals to the local officials to let their vehicles move forward, but such attempts have proved to be ———————— (hopeless, hurried, futile) so far.


In the second aerial photo, we see thousands of men, women, and children walking slowly and very laboriously to get back to their homes in North Gaza. They must cover a distance of about 50 to 60 kms on foot. Having lived for months in —————- (poorly-built, miserable, makeshift) shelters in South Gaza where they neither got the minimum food nor medicines, they have become too weak to walk such long distances. The footages of these ————– (subhuman, squalid, sordid) shelters appeared in the media worldwide, but no country did anything to ——————— (ameliorate. soothe, solace) the sufferings of these homeless Palestinians.  Living with no toilets, no water supply and no healthcare facilities, the refugess have been fully ————- (drained, derailed, depleted) of their strength and will power. The —————- (trauma, toil, ill-treatment) they suffer can not be described in words. The homeward journey has proved to be too ———— (irksome, arduous, haunting) for these Palestinians forcibly displaced by the Israeli army from their ancestral homes.


Learninabout Direct -Indirect speech conversion ..

Q3. There are some errors in the answers of the following Direct -Indirect speech conversion exercises. Correct them.

a. Direct .. The teacher asked the students, “Have any of you have read about the passenger plane and helicopter collison near Washington D.C?”

Indirect sentence having errors.. The teacher asked the students if any of them read about the passenger plane and helicopter collison near Washington D.C.

b. One pedestrian refugee asked a fellow refugee, “Can you tell me how many more kilometers we have to walk before we reach North Gaza.

Indirect sentence having errors ..  One pedestrian refugee asked a fellow refugee if you could tell him how many kilometers are they have to walk before they reach North Gaza.

c. The mother angrily pulled up her stubborn son saying, “The Palestinian boys of your age don’t even get a piece of bread to eat whereas you demand a cheese sandwich.”

Indirect sentence having errors .. The mother angrily pulled up her stubborn son saying that the Palestiniaan bous of your age don’t even get a piece of bread to eat whereas he demands a cheese sandwich.

Current Affairs knowledge building ..

Q4.Write a few lines why retrieving the Black Box from the pile of debris of a destroyed aircraft is so important for flight safety engineers.


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